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"It’s not that God has a mission for his Church in the world, but that God has a Church for his mission in the world.” – Chris Wright     


What Is God Calling The Church To Do?

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.." 

Matthew 28:19-20

   "Untold millions are still untold.”

– John Wesley

Is Today's Church Reaching All Nations?

Simply put, "No!" According to the Joshua Project, there are more than 4 billion unreached people around the world who have little to no access to the Gospel of Jesus. In many of their nations, it is illegal to convert to Christianity and many Christians must meet together in underground churches or on-line. Worldwide, they are comprised of:

Within these groups there are over 7,000 unreached people groups that are waiting to hear the Good News. We will help your church leadership encourage and ignite your members to see the big picture in world missions today and  then move forward to help fulfill
the Great Commission.

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atheist boy.png
Hindu woman.png
tribal girl.png
muslim guy.png

1.2 Billion

500 Million

600 Million

900 Million

1.9 Billion

The Waiting World videos are designed to help your church or Bible study look into the eyes of the lost overseas and begin to get a heart for cross-cultural, overseas missions.  Missions at home is a good thing, but we pray these videos will stir hearts and spirits to pray, give, or go overseas!

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